Horizons Verts is in Puivert, in the Aude department of France.
Our full address is: 2 Route de Chalabre, 11230 Puivert.
Driving directions and Google maps link below.
Please contact us if you would like further travel information, we'll be happy to help.
Getting here from Carcassonne
The easiest way to reach us from Carcassonne is to follow signs for Limoux and then for Quillan, taking the D118 all the way to Quillan, and then at the traffic lights in Quillan, turn right onto the D117 that leads to Puivert. You will pass only 1 village on the way (Nébias), and the next village is Puivert. When you reach Puivert turn right onto the ‘Route de Chalabre’ D16 (signposted to Chalabre). Our driveway is about 500m down the road on the right hand side, signposted "Horizons Verts". Follow the drive up until you reach the house.

Getting here From PERPIGNAN
From Perpignan, take the D117 all the way to Quillan, and once you arrive in Quillan continue straight until you reach the traffic lights. At the first set of lights go straight and at the second set, turn left onto the D117 that leads to Puivert. You will pass only 1 village on the way (Nébias), and the next village is Puivert. When you reach Puivert turn right onto ‘Route de Chalabre’ D16 (signed to Chalabre). Our driveway is about 500m down the road on the right hand side, signposted "Horizons Verts". Follow the drive up until you reach the house.